2019 Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the Bedfordshire Mini-Soccer League will be held on Monday 24th June at 7.30 pm in the County Lounge of the Bedfordshire Football Association, Skimpot Road, Dunstable LU5 4JU.

Representative attendance is requested for any club intending to enter teams into the BMSL for the season 2019/2020. The order of business will be as follows:

  • Minutes of 2018 AGM and matters arising
  • Annual report
  • Adoption of accounts for season 2018/2019
  • Adoption of rules for season 2019/2020
  • Election of officers for season 2019/2020
  • Any other business

The meeting is expected to last between 45 - 60 minutes.

Limited car parking is available at the Bedfordshire FA, however you may wish to park in the Tesco car park and walk through the gate that leads through to the Bedfordshire FA site.


2019/2020 Club Applications

Club Secretaries are invited to submit their club application to enter teams for the coming 2019/2020 season. The cost of entry is £40 per team (clubs will be invoiced separately). Teams will be accepted throughout the season, however they will need to be affiliated via your County FA before they can be assigned fixtures.

We will be running 4 mini-season each of approximately 6 weeks duration. Teams will be placed in groups of similar ability and at the end of each mini-season each team's performance will be assessed and, where necessary, teams will move groups in order to find a more competitive level.